WHERE DID THE TIME GO? It seems like yesterday when Kuumba Storytellers of Georgia and the Sudanese Families partnered together on October 26, 2013. We had a Meet and Greet session as Kuumba Storytellers of Georgia received the NSN Brimstone Grant and the rest was HISTORY. On November 13, 2013 we broke bread together forming friendships and stories. Today was a special day 9-20-14 almost a year later as we are approaching the end of our project. We heard the same stories from our Sudanese Friends, but his time their stories showed all of the qualities of a Great Story.
The tips that were suggested from the Workshops of the Kuumba Storytellers were used to enhance their stories. It has really been a wonderful experience from the Beginning to the Ending as Kuumba Storytellers, Laverne Amponsah and I attended every meeting, workshop, and festival. We embraced our new families connecting together as “ONE”. I can truly say that our mission for Connecting Communities Together through Storytelling has been SUCCESSFUL.
All of the Sudanese Storytellers were “AWESOME”. Kuumba Storytellers who served on this project were Deborah Strahorn, the Project Manager; Workshop Facilitators were Ernestine Brown, Esther Culver, Laverne Amponsah, Janice Butt, Chetter Galloway and Gwendolyn J. Napier. Thanks to Roberta Malavenda, and to all of our Sudanese Friends of the Clarkston Community.
Gwendolyn Napier – Vice President of Kuumba Storytellers of Georgia