Kuumba’s Fire & Brimstone!
Welcome to the Kuumba Storytellers of Georgia blog! 2013 has been an exciting year for the Kuumba Storytellers of Georgia. Just like the legendary phoenix that rose from the ashes, Kuumba’s flame continues to rise as we approach the New Year. We have increased our presence on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, participated in live streaming events, and continued our partnership with the National Black Arts Festival for the fourth consecutive year. As a matter of fact, Kuumba’s own Mama Koku is the official teller of the National Black Arts Festival!
And now, we are excited to announce that Kuumba Storytellers of Georgia has been awarded the 2013 Brimstone Grant from the National Storytelling Network. The Brimstone grant supports a model storytelling project that is service-oriented, based in a community or organization, and to some extent replicable in other places and situations.

Kuumba’s grant is for an applied storytelling collaboration called The Sudan and African American Oral Storytelling Project. Kuumba will be partnering with two organizations for this venture. The first is the United Sudan & South Sudan Communities Association (USASSCA), an organization founded by refugee Sudanese leaders in 2012 to bring together various Sudanese ethic groups. And the second is the CDF: A Collective Action Initiative based in Clarkston, GA who assists with community engagement, facilitation, and program planning.
Kuumba Storytellers and its partners will go into the community to collect, preserve and compile Sudanese children’s stories. Additionally, Kuumba will teach storytelling techniques to the Sudanese partners and collectors so that they can retell the stories within their community. Kuumba will also have the opportunity to present and perform the collected stories at local venues and throughout Georgia. Furthermore, the project will serve as a model for other entities who want to use storytelling to bridge cultures and connect with communities.
So, in closing, Kuumba is eager with anticipation to work with our partners on this groundbreaking project as we continue telling it well in the A-T-L!
Chetter Galloway – Kuumba Treasurer 2012 – 2013
I volunteered to be a part of The BrimStone Project. As a Kuumba Storyteller, I embrace the UNKNOWN. I did not know much about the Project or much more about the Clarkston Community. I am an original “Georgia Peach” and have lived in Atlanta all of my life. I felt so “OUT OF TOUCH” with my City of not knowing about the Clarkston Community that is only 45 minutes from where I live. This was a true “Eye Opener” for me. I am so thankful for the BrimStone Project. Through this Project, I have been able to meet a Community of New Friends. The Project has made me aware of other Communities and a host of New Friends. When I met some of the Sudanese People, I felt that I already knew them. They were so Friendly, Intelligent and had warm hearts to share with all of us. I was so honored to have this opportunity . I will encourage all people to leave your own comfort zone and branch out into other Communities. You will learn so much by extending yourself and time to others. This was the first beginning for me, and the EXCITEMENT and FIRER is still existing. I am so excited about our new Project as a Kuumba Storyteller. My eyes and my heart at the same time was OPEN to a wonderful EXPERIENCE that will last within my heart forever.